Meet our Founders

Turning our Pain into Purpose.

After years of our own professional and personal experience, in 2024 we founded SOULBRIETY - a collective helping to guide, support, and empower women on their recovery journey.

Christine Fortier

Lifestyle & Wellness 

When I’m asked what I did to stay sober, my answer is I went all in on what I wanted more than alcohol.

I believe that health and optimal wellness is our natural human state.

I believe that living in shame and with guilt is the heaviness we hold in our bodies, and is a big contributor for our declining health- mental, spiritual, and physical.

I have a deep belief that we are ALL here to live on purpose, with purpose, and to be OF PURPOSE.

To share our stories and to build relationships + community. I trust that my body can heal itself, through quality whole organic foods, clean filtered water, fluid mindful movement, building strength from the inside out . . . breath, and nature.

I trust in the very power that I hold within me. I trust my intuition, source, and my higher power.

And it was only when I became free from the shackles of addiction that I truly began to harness that very power. It was inside of me all along. I just needed to clear some space.

What I know is that the higher I raised my own vibration, the clearer, more intentional I became. The more I wanted to share, and serve and help other women feel as good as I felt. I wanted more love, more abundance, more quality time with my daughter. A stronger, more intimate relationship with my husband.

I wanted more ALIVENESS in my life. I wanted to feel more alive! So that’s what I did . . . . . . . . . . . and SOBRIETY delivered everything alcohol promised.

  • Sobriety Coach & Lifestyle Mentor

  • Retreat Facilitator & Ritualist

  • Co-Founder of SOULBRIETY Retreats 

  • Christine & Celina Yoga & Pilates Retreats 

  • Author & Founder of The Art of Pilates Flow Movement Program 

  • Creator of the 21 Days to Freedom and The Next 90 Days programs

  • Sex, Sobriety & Building Deep Intimate Connections 12-Week Masterclass (launching fall 2024)

Alida Flannery

Certified Addiction Recovery Coach & Companion

Growth is painful. Change is painful.
But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

For the first year of my recovery I thought I'd resigned myself to a life of boredom - where I made my bed every morning, and went to meetings at night. I existed, drank heaps of Diet Coke and was completely miserable.

I didn't know which way was up, and just wanted someone to give me a map and show me the way.

Then at 18-months something changed - I had an EPIPHANY! I was at a retreat where I wrote a letter to my ‘Future-Self.’

In that letter I made these five commitments to my (future) self:

  1. I needed to feel whole, not on the outside for others, but on the inside for myself.

  2. If something's not 'HELL YES' I gave myself permission to say no.

  3. Boundaries needed to be set. Some folks were going to be unhappy and was going to have to be ok.

  4. The things that weren’t serving me any longer needed to go.

  5. My life needed to be WAY MORE FUN!

My life since the day I wrote that letter, (10+ years ago) hasn't been perfect. It’s been hard and messy sometimes, but it was worth it. I WAS WORTH IT. And you are too!

When we have accountability, direction, and someone to help us navigate our path our goals become so much more attainable. In my role as a Recovery Coach and Sober Companion I serve as an accountability partner, helping my clients to meet intention with action.

As a recovery advocate and a person in long-term recovery, I have a deep appreciation for the complex nature of addiction. I know that making the decision to enter a life in recovery is one that involves great courage and I understand the bravery required to take those first steps. 

I coach and companion to show others that there is a way out. That there is no shame in asking for help - in fact, it may be one of the bravest things we ever do.